Hey all, as many of you who are in an around the Potsdam area, you know how the weather has been. Then we go on Facebook and see teams out west skiing. Well it sucks, but it makes us stronger. This to me is what training really is.
I believe that Tim Sick said it best about finding his Ball Sack when he took a warm shower. Again this is October, but we are out there. When the leaves are falling, the rain constant, and the bone chill is cutting through you, that is what Clarkson Nordic is all about.
Keep pushing and getting out there. Delaney and I are trying to make all the practices we can. This Sunday we have a Run-Ski Rely which should provide some entertainment as well as a nice workout and change of pace. Justin I will have to fill you in on this!

Above is a picture that sums up the weather, but this just makes the perfect groom trails even better!
D Day