Thursday, December 4, 2008

This title is meaningless.

Just a quick update. Yes we are still here.

Team training is for only those with a core made of hard (hardcore!). Doing roller-ski intervals in the dark, near-freezing temperatures, snow falling on you, wheels kicking up mud everywhere... we definitely earned some snow today. Alas, its hard to find time to get in good training now-a-days with projects being due and exams coming up.

On the bright side, we go to Lake Placid this Saturday for some shopping/ skiing at Mount Van Holvenburgh! (<-- did I spell that right?). After that is exams and then ski camp in the motherland; Quebec!.

Also, new team hats are here! Kudos to Matt Delaney!

I'm sure Derrick and Matt will have some action-packed updates in the near future. Keep an eye out.


P.S. These pom-poms on the hats are totally wicked.


mattd said...

it's hoevenburg

mattd said...

actuallym it's hoevenberg