Saturday, December 27, 2008

Anyone see those boots?

Has anyone else noticed the new salomon and atomic boots that some of the world cup skiers have been using lately? If not look at this tour de ski vid at about 9 min and 30 secs to see them on George Grey. I can't get a screen shot of them for some reason so you have to check them out online. They seem pretty intense, definitely a new concept. I'll have to ask Billy Demong about them when he returns back to the states as he has been using them with some pretty good success this season.

Hopefully this weather will turn snow soon and bring back the beautiful skiing.

Song of the Day: "Come Clean" by Hilary Duff - the let the rain fall down song...
Song Shoutouts: Derrick, Emily, Alyssa, and Sherman- from mt ste anne road trip



Anonymous said...

I was trying to one-up you and take a screen shot of the boots in the video, but Microsoft is one step ahead of me and blocked it.

D Day said...

Thanks for the shout out Matt. I was missing the party mix.

mattd said...

i know you were, but dont worry. when we get back you can listen to it 24/7. Alicia will love it too