That's the result of today's 10K double-pole kickfest out on River Road. I decided to lay it down on SLU's time trial course out there. Overcast skies, stiff cold wind, plummeting temperatures, and a dusting of snow on the ground combined as a nice reminder of what it is going to be like when we get on skis this winter. The warm-up for today was finding the small red "S" spray painted on the road that indicates the start. Once Talbs and I found our mark, it was time to ditch the warm-ups, unleash some hot spandex bottoms, and put the gameface on. The first 2.5K were by far the most challenging, consisting of the three most substantial hills of the course. Unfortunately, they weren't quite steep enough to force me into my ill-used diaganol stride, so it was a power DPK test. I passed through the 2.5K mark just under 9:00, which had me worried that I had pushed it too hard in yesterday's no pole intervals. The
next 2.5K were pretty uneventful, just try to pace it right and push the slight downhills and flats. I crossed the 5K mark in 15:10. From that point to the turn-around point (around 8.5K) the terrain was mostly little rollers, and lots of double pole. I missed the 7.5K mark and hit the turn around with no idea of how far I had gone. Double-pole kicked hard until I found the finish line at a time of 29:20. At first I was pretty disappointed with the time, but realized that the goal of this session wasn't to set a PR, but to get in a quality TT in the middle of an intenstiy week. Mission accomplished. Three more interval days left in this block, as long as I train smart I'm sure to see big dividends in the future.
The race season is coming, train hard, recover well
The race season is coming, train hard, recover well
1 comment:
I love the pic. I met him when i came and visited Clarkson, he was on a couch with two girls, as in two thirds of the girls at the party. He got game.
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