As we start going through this week, many of us now know the true term of "Student Athlete." I know everyone is facing a hard week before break, along with a week of some great workouts. For myself, I have 3 tests, a quiz, and a 12 page paper before this week is out. This is harder than my finals week. This is where you can tell employers, "Yes, I have time management skills." So far this week, we started off with a easy pole run on the "Ski Trails" (ROTC) and followed that off with a good ab and strength work out. Yesterday a few of us braved the darkness over on the golf course hill for some 3 min Double Pole and No Pole repeats. We also were able to enjoy the stars in the sky, even at 5:30! Everyone looked strong and ready because on thursday we will be having a 1 mile Double Pole time trail followed by a one mile no pole time trail. I am really excited for this, though you still can't tell a lot from rollerskis because of different speeds, but it should be good to get up to race pace physically and mentally. Today we will be going out on a 2 x 20 mins threshold workout. This should be the first day with everyone able to make practice for the most part. So keep the strong effort to get through the school stuff and be ready to go come practice. Should be a great week.

D Day
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