Well it is that time of year again. Darkness comes quick, which can leave every man for themselves. Skiing gives you many challenges, skiing in the dark gives you more. Before I go on I would like to extend a congrats to our running team after a very respectful finish in regionals. Now with the running "Tr
aining" season over, practice should start to be more of a normal turn out. Been pretty slim. Thursday, four of us went over to the Five Corners. We did 2x15min off into the sunset. Friday, Delaney and I went out to Pumpkin Hill and did some classic intervals. Delaney did 8x2 min double pole, while I did 5x4 min repeats. Good workout, Delaney looked strong and ready to go. I busted to hard on the second one leaving a tired third repeat. I really felt the core, which seems to be a strength for many this year! With the weather getting colder it is a constent reminder that winter is coming. Today, many of us many of us made it over to the High School State Meet for XC. There were some great races with Pat D setting the pace with the fastest time of the day, and my boy Alex Deir winning the Class B race. Everything looks set for a good week of training coming up with a OD tomorrow. Lets hope we can fit in some good work between all the tests. Study hard, ski harder.

D Day
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