Friday, April 3, 2009


I was in Colorado one month ago enjoying beautiful blue skies, a refreshing dose of sun, and some wicked tough competition/ racing conditions. Since then I've gotten my bike up and running (finally) and started running again. It's been nice, even if that running thing is really painful. Sadly it's supposed to be miserable and rainy for the next 10 days says That along with school, it's been hard to get out and enjoy myself recently.

I was doing my nightly routine of surfing the net' last night. Somehow, I ended up on youtube watching skiing videos. I miss it already. I like the push-off, the glide, the non-impact on my joints. Biking's great, but I think its time to get the rollerskis out soon. I don't want to do anything fancy. I just want to get into that rhythem again. The clicking of carbide tips on the road... so goooooood. Oh man, I need to go to my happy place.

Phew, that's better. So yea, people say May is the time to get back into it. But you know what? I actually do enjoy rollerskiing. Maybe I'll just show up to Sarah Gardner's Wonderful Workout Wednesday all geared up!


P.S. Motorless Monday and Workout Wednesday. That's all I've got for the team update.


D Day said...

I am with you Chris.... I miss skiing already and we havn't even had nice weather yet. It is kinda sad really. But I think I will have to start rollerskiing. Most years I already have, but of late, I have just been to busy.

Unknown said...

you think you miss skiing should ski every least once. I miss it like crazy and can't wait to get out on my rollerskis and feel the glide. I hope all of you are enjoying the final weeks of school. Any summer updates?